Apply now for the Inclusive Leadership Certificate

Subject: Apply now for the Inclusive Leadership Certificate
Date: Apr 26, 2022

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion invites you to apply for the fourth cohort of the Inclusive Leadership Certificate. This is our flagship initiative to develop and support thought leaders who can deepen awareness and build skills that promote equity-centered frameworks in their distinct academic and professional units.

The curriculum prioritizes critical analysis of the concepts of justice, equity, diversity and inclusion as foundational elements to improve learning and build communities of shared meaning. We hold interactive sessions that seek to foster collaboration across the campus on topics like identity development, emotional intelligence, cultural humility, coalition building and organizational climate. 

We invite employees with three (3) or more years of experience in higher education (at least one must be at the University of Arizona) and doctoral students with two (2) or more years at the University of Arizona to apply to join the next cohort, which will begin in August. The application window closes on Friday, May 6 at  6 p.m. 

Learn more about this one-year program, including benefits, curriculum information, eligibility commitment and expectations.

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