Come to the UA Cares Kick-off Reception Sept. 30!

Subject: Come to the UA Cares Kick-off Reception Sept. 30!
Date: Sep 22, 2022

The UA Cares Kick-off Reception on Sept. 30th! This event celebrates the beginning of our Annual Workplace Giving Campaign that empowers each of us to pay it forward for others. University faculty, staff and students will be spending a month this fall finding ways to improve the world around us. RSVP for the event below to learn more about how you can join these efforts through volunteer service or payroll deductions to benefit the cause of your choice. We’ll also be hearing from our Honorary Chair, Dr. Joellen Russell, who will be leading our celebration and sharing remarks on the benefits of serving others.

Date: Friday, September 30th
Time: 4:00-5:30 p.m.
Location: ENR2 Courtyard | 1064 E Lowell St, Tucson, AZ 85719

Please RSVP by clicking here.

This year's kick-off will be held in the beautiful ENR2 Courtyard and will feature a brief speaking program, light hors d'oeuvres, and most importantly – representatives from charities will be present so we can learn more about their work. Twenty charitable organizations have been invited and each will be prepared to share the impact a $5 per paycheck payroll deduction could have on their organizations. We will also be sharing various volunteer opportunities that are available during this year's campaign – and we promise that you won't want to miss it.

This year's UA Cares campaign runs from Sept. 30-Nov. 4.

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