New UHAP Policy 2.11. Course Materials

To: Faculty and Appointed Personnel
From: Tom Miller, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
Subject: New UHAP Policy 2.11. Course Materials
Date: Sep 14, 2018

On  September 4, 2018, President Robbins signed University Handbook for Appointed Personnel policy 2.11 Course Materials, which replaces the former Printed Materials policy. The direct link to the new policy is

As part of the ongoing efforts to reduce costs for students, the Student Affairs Policy Committee (SAPC) took on the task of updating UHAP 2.11 after learning about several instances where instructors required students to purchase costly custom textbooks and other materials. The new policy continues to allow instructors to use instructor-authored materials in their courses, but the revisions are designed to balance instructors' academic freedom with students' best interests by providing guidelines for addressing the conflict of interest that arises when faculty require textbooks that provide them with significant profits.

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