Adoption of Tribal Consultation Policy

To: University Community
From: Office of University Initiatives
Subject: Adoption of Tribal Consultation Policy
Date: Nov 09, 2023

Notice of Adoption of Tribal Consultation Policy

Pursuant to the University Policy-Making Policy, the following action is taken:


SUMMARY: This new University Policy intends to enhance meaningful dialogue between the University and Tribes in a way that informs activities and policies having a foreseeable impact on Tribes and individuals as members of a Tribe. In this way, this Policy effectuates ABOR 1-118 at the University. Additionally, this Policy establishes oversight and training requirements.

The University of Arizona values its relationship with sovereign Tribes and is committed to honoring the fundamental principles of tribal consultation and respect required by ABOR 1-118 ("ABOR Tribal Consultation Policy"). The reason for this new Tribal Consultation Policy is to provide a framework for the University to preserve a foundation of respect and to acknowledge the cultures, traditions, beliefs, governance processes, laws, codes, regulations, and protocols of sovereign Tribes and maintain compliance with federal, state, and local laws. The University acknowledges that laws, for example, which protect individual participants in research, may not adequately protect the interests of Tribes that may be affected by research.

The approved new Tribal Consultation Policy is available on the University Policies website.

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