Toddler Not Talking?

Subject: Toddler Not Talking?
Date: Aug 12, 2019

Dr. Mary Alt, an associate professor in the UA Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, is currently running a treatment study for children who don't use as many words as they should for their age. The treatment is based on principles of learning theory.

This study is primarily for young children up to about age 4 who aren't talking or who have low vocabularies. It is not meant for children with known diagnoses like Autism or hearing loss. If you know a child who needs to learn more words, Dr. Alt's research team will work with the child and his/her family for 8 weeks at no cost to the family, as long as the child qualifies for the study. In order to qualify, children need to be delayed/impaired in word learning, and aged 24 months to 47 months.

An Institutional Review Board responsible for human subjects research at The University of Arizona reviewed this research project and found it to be acceptable protecting the rights and welfare of participants in research. 

If you have questions or are interested in learning more about the study, please feel free to contact us at (520) 626-6885 or

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