Volunteer for Science City at the Tucson Festival of Books

Subject: Volunteer for Science City at the Tucson Festival of Books
Date: Jan 25, 2018

The Tucson Festival of Books will be here in no time, and that means it is time to sign-up as a volunteer in Science City!

Mark your calendars for March 10 and 11!

UA Science and the BIO5 Institute have collaborated with the Tucson Festival of Books to bring the wonders of science to the Tucson community. There will be over 80 booths with hands-on activities, exhibits, shows, and science cafés. Thousands visit Science City throughout the two-day event.

Volunteer and join us in showing the community why we are obsessed with ​science! We need volunteers to help in a variety of roles in Science City. Here's how you can get involved:

Volunteer jobs fill up quickly! Sign-up TODAY!

When completing the volunteer application, please designate which volunteer orientation you are able to attend. The volunteer orientation is required for all volunteers.

The following are the dates/times for the volunteer orientation: 

  • Thursday, Feb 22, 2018: 5:30-7:30 pm – Flandrau Mezzanine Classroom
  • Saturday, Feb 24, 2018: 10am–12pm – Flandrau Mezzanine Classroom
  • Friday, March 2, 2018: 5:30-7:30pm – Flandrau Mezzanine Classroom
  • Sunday, March 4, 2018: 1:00-3:00pm – Flandrau Mezzanine Classroom

If none of the orientation times work with your, schedule please let me know and we can set up a time to meet one-on-one.

Thank you Science City volunteers! This event would not be possible without your help!

If you have any questions please email/call: 

 Samantha Pierce, spierce@email.arizona.edu, 520-621-4047 

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