Volunteers Needed for Study of Immune Response to COVID-19

Subject: Volunteers Needed for Study of Immune Response to COVID-19
Date: Aug 25, 2022

To expand our understanding of the impact COVID-19 has had on the community, the Nikolich Lab at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson hopes to develop new ways to identify prior COVID-19 infection with a simple blood test.

We are enrolling interested adults (ages 18 and over) who meet the following criteria:

  • Previously had COVID-19, confirmed by a positive PCR or antigen test
  • Believe they have had COVID-19, but did not have a positive test
  • Have received 1-4 COVID-19 vaccine doses (Pfizer, Moderna or Johnson & Johnson)
  • Have never been vaccinated against or infected with COVID-19
  • Have received more than one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine and experienced "breakthrough" COVID-19 infection
  • Are experiencing long-COVID symptoms (also known as post-acute sequelae SARS-CoV-2 infection, or PASC)

Eligible participants will be asked to visit our lab (located at the Medical Research Building, 1656 E. Mabel Dr.) and have their blood drawn (~50 mL). Participants will be compensated $25 for participation in the study.

If you would like to learn more about volunteering for our study, please contact:

Eileen Olaiz: 520-257-9184 (eileenolaiz@arizona.edu)

Edgar Gutierrez:  520-275-8216 (edgargutierrez@arizona.edu)

Grecia Frisby: 520-626-6610 (gfrisby@arizona.edu)

The University of Arizona Institutional Review Board has reviewed this research study and ensured that it follows University of Arizona, state and federal regulations that protect the rights of research participants. Research is always voluntary. Though you will be compensated for your time, there will be no direct benefits to you if you take part in the study and your results from this study will not be reported to you.

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