Zoom Updates

Subject: Zoom Updates
Date: May 19, 2020

Announcement 1

Recent Issue – Participant Share Restriction: As Zoom has been pushing security related updates in a fast and furious fashion, it looks like an inadvertent push occurred to many of our users. At the profile level, the setting "Who can share?" was changed to "Host Only." It is our recommendation that each meeting be held with a host present. That said, for smaller meetings, turning on Join Before Host and allowing the meeting to begin prior to the host arriving can be a convenient feature. The problem comes when the host cannot attend at all and, therefore, no one in the meeting can share their screen.

To correct this issue, follow the steps below:

  1. Log into arizona.zoom.us
  2. In the profile menu on the left, click Settings
  3. Go to the In Meeting (Basic) section
  4. With your Screen Sharing setting toggled on, you will see "Who Can Share?" To allow participant sharing without the need for the host to permit sharing in the meeting, choose "All Participants."

Announcement 2

Zoom Forced Upgrade to 5.0 (on 05/30/2020): Hopefully most of our campus users did upgrade in late April as there are many great enhancements. This upgrade will be forced on or after May 30. Basically, the next meeting started after the 30th will result in a forced upgrade prior to the meeting launch. Please, inform your faculty staff and student of the upcoming enhancements.

More information on the Zoom 5.0 updates can be found at https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/360042938591-New-updates-for-April-30-2020.

Update details by release date: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/sections/201214205-Release-Notes

Zoom status page: http://status.zoom.us 

Zoom blog: https://blog.zoom.us

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